Are You Telling Your Original Story?

How would you know?

It’s one that made a dent. It found you. Probably years ago. You just forgot it. Or it got shrouded in learning. You never considered that little story could have anything to do with your best business today. Or in the future. But It’s been shaping you all along. It feels right.

Most people with great ideas get stuck just because they’re telling the wrong story.

Maybe your original story sparked from the first book read to you as a child. Or a first movie or song.  

Maybe you’ve experienced something like this? One day, you’re bordering on panicked trying to recall those last four numbers of your social.

When suddenly, out of nowhere:

“Oh, I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Weiner
That is what I truly I’d truly love to be.
Cause if I was an Oscar Meyer Weiner
Everyone would be in love with me. ” 

Maybe you haven’t thought of that since you were 7. 

Now, 20, 30, 50 years later, you’re hitting each note and word perfectly. And you’re into it.  

Why does this happen? Scientifically I don’t have an explanation. 

But as a branding expert with clients from start-ups to Fortune l00s to New York Times Bestsellers, I discovered a clue to reuniting you with your true original story and voice. It’s not a gimmick. It’s not a therapy dig into your past. It’s fast. 

I had no clue when I was 6, that a jingle and a chance meet one gray day with Little Oscar himself would spark my love of  branding and my successful business story. Or that I would even have a branding business!

When you were a child you could probably recite “what I want to be” when you grew up. Me too.

What nobody told us was how complicated it was going to be when we got there.

Now here we are. How do we stand out?

I love this Ursula Le Guin quote:

“The creative adult is the child who survived.”

The simpler you can get, the more original you can be.

This is how daring people and companies win and keep your attention and business.

This is how I get started helping many you’ve never heard of and a lot you have get there.

Want to talk?


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