The Laughter Goal

At least one laugh a day is my 2022 aspiration.

My bedrock goals remain the same every year. To grow, to give to others, and to be alive next January to tell the story. 

A good laugh is a fast track back to the present moment. 

It’s spirit and sanity management. It feels good.

But here’s a laughter dilemma.   

Carol Burnett said, “Comedy is tragedy plus time.” Covid is the tragedy. But we’re not getting the “plus  time” part to come up with a lot of fresh material. Covid just keeps on coming

Still, I aim this year to make getting yuks each day my business. Come what may. To allow myself to laugh. And cry. And if it’s at the same time that’s healthy too. I Googled it.

I laugh because I’m going almost nowhere.

The late comedian Milton Berle said “Laughter is an instant vacation.”

Are you ready for yours yet?

Travel with me to the land of YouTube.

Here’s my #1 comedian for laughs these days. LOL. Sebastian Monoscalco. 

Sick of social distancing? Victor Borge said, “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” 

That’s why each day since 2020, my brilliant friend Patti calls to tells me a joke.

Here’s today’s:

“Why was the belt in jail? Because it ran off with the pants.”

Patti also told me you can get a laugh simply by saying, “Hey Siri…tell me a joke.”

Four to six year-olds are also an excellent source.

As is Marge Simpson, Homer’s wife’s best question ever:

“Why am I always so funny when no one else is around?” 


Don’t be afraid to try a few of your secret jokes on somebody else.

They might be dying for a laugh.

I’m here to keep helping CEOs and founders and you recognize and monetize what lights you up and matters. 

My clients sometimes tell me, ”Leah, nobody can make me laugh like you do.”

Our laughs are our true resilience. 

Want to talk?



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